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The Birley Archive project developed as a result of a research project into large scale public art installations using Manchester Metropolitan University’s Birley site as a platform for inspiration. It aims to act as record in the long history of transition of the site.

The archive captures information that was uncovered as part of site investigations which helped inform concept designs, poetry and imagery to use both as a springboard for research and as an educational resource. A further section has been added on the History of the Faculties and their journey to the Birley site.

A more detailed record of the The Birley Artwork Project is to be found in Case Studies.

For visual resources on the history of the Birley site: slides, photography and some artefacts from the archaeological dig are held in Manchester Metropolitan University’s Special Collections; film footage of the Hulme Area, the demolition of the terraces and the building of the Crescents is available at the University managed North West Film Archive. Further information on the Hulme area can be obtained from Archive+ at Manchester Central Library. There are a number of Hulme archive collections, including an extensive project recording life in the former and existing housing redevelopments by Reel Mcr.

Black and white shot of Jackson Crescent flats with cars in distance. Black and white shot of Ringbeck Crescent flats with cars and policeman.